Booster Club FAQS
What is Booster Club?
Booster Club is the fundraising arm of San Pedro High School. The mission of San Pedro Pirate Boosters Club is to supplement limited public school funding. At San Pedro High School, we have one booster club that supports arts, academics and athletics. Since its inception in 19 , San Pedro Pirate Boosters Club has raised over $ . These funds go directly toSan Pedro High School students and athletic programs.
How do I become a member?
Membership information and forms are available on our website, at our booster meetings, or from any one of our board members / general members. www.sanpedropirateboosters.comor in the registration packet.
How does Booster Club raise money?
Booster Club raises money in different ways: 1. The Annual Membership Drive donations 3.Fndraising Events. For more information about membership, donations, and fund raising events visit our website at
Are donations to PVHS Booster Club tax deductible?
Yes. Booster Club was established as a nonprofit tax-exempt organization and all donations are tax deductible. The tax ID number is
How can I become involved in Booster Club?
Booster Club meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7pm. All are invited!